I was reading an article in "The Week" magazine (current week's edition) today called "How to Buy Happiness". It caught my attention. The article begins:
"Why do the Brangelinas, Bill Gates, and Bonos of the world appear to be so happy? It's not simply that they have a lot of money-it's because they're giving so much of it away, says a new study. Researchers at the University of British Columbia have proved that spending cash on others is far more satisfying that spending it selfishly..."
Well, it makes sense to me! In February I read President Bill Clinton's book "Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World". The book is an excellent confirmation of a truth that seems so plain but is so confused in our culture. The book is great for consideration of God-honoring stewardship of money, talents, and time. (There is near-zero "politics" in this book.)