Monday, July 14, 2008

Choosing to Cheat

Favorite quotes from "Choosing to Cheat: Who Wins When Famly and Work Collide" by Andy Stanley:

"Your situation isn't that different from mine. If you stayed at work until everything was finished...if you took advantage of every opportunity that came your way...if you sought out every angle to maximize your abilities, improve your skills, and advance your would never go home." p20

"I don't know the particulars of your situation. But here's what I do know: your Creator does not define your life by your career achievements or the neatness of your pantry." p31

"Now, I know I'm a preacher. And it is easy for men and women in the business community to excuse themselves from a discussion facilitated by someone who clearly doesn't understand the complexities of their work environment. But for future reference, when was the last time you heard about someone in the business going into the ministry because the business environment was too stressful?..." p85-86

"God honors diplomacy and dependency. One doesn't supplant the other. Both are necessary. Having a plan isn't a lack of faith. Walking in and giving an ultimatum at work isn't necessarily an expression of faith. You need wisdom, tact, and some friends praying for you back at home." p103

"It has been said before. It is worth saying again. Nobody gets to the end of his life and wishes he had spent more time at the office. You won't be the first." p125